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Author Title Publisher Year Published Notes
Antoniadi, E.M. La Planete Mars; etude basee sur les resultats obtenus avec la grande lunette de l'observatoire de Meudon et expose analytique de l'ensemble des travaux exectures sur cet astre depuis 1659. Paris: Librairie Scientifique Hermann et Cie 1930 1st ed. 5 maps, 239 p. "Ouvrage illustre de 150 figures dans le texte et de dix planches hors texte donnant des vues telescopiques de Mars et des cartes detailles de la plantete". One of the seminal works on Mars, a classic study of the history of observation of the planet as well as a record of Antoniadi's own excellent work.
Antoniadi, E.M. trans. by Patrick Moore. The Planet Mars. Shaldon, U.K.: Keith Reid, Ltd. 1975 1st English language ed. One of the seminal works on Mars, a classic study of the history of observation of the planet as well as a record of Antoniadi's own excellent work.
Baker, V.R. The Channels of Mars Austin: Univ. of Texas 1982 1st ed. 198 p.
Hoyt, WIlliam Graves. Lowell and Mars. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona 1976 1st ed. Also published in trade paperback, 1976 and 1996. The best biography of Lowell, with good discussion of his influence. 376 p.
Kepler, Johannes and Tycho Brahe. Astronomia nova aitiologetos : sev physica coelestis, tradita commentariis de otibvs stellae Martis, ex observationibus G. V. Tychonis Brahe, jussu & sumptibus Rvdolphi II ... plurimum annorum pertinaci studio elaborata Pragae. Prague: G. Voegelinus 1609 1st ed. De motibus stellae Martis - "On the motion of the star Mars". Kepler dicovered the elliptical orbits of the planets based on Brahe’s observations of Mars and his own calculations regarding that planet’s behavior. He also determined that planets speed up as their orbits bring them closer to the sun.
Lowell, Percival. Mars. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin 1895 1st ed. THE classic non-fiction work on the planet Mars by the most popularly influential and colorful of Mars observers. Covers Lowell’s astronomical and suppositional observations about the planet. 228 p.
Lowell, Percival. Mars. London: Longman, Green and Co. 1896 1st British edition. THE classic non-fiction work on the planet Mars by the most popularly influential and colorful of Mars observers. Covers Lowell’s astronomical and suppositional observations about the planet. 228 p.
Lowell, Percival. Mars. History of Astronomy Reprints 1978 Later limited edition of the 1895 work. THE classic non-fiction work on the planet Mars by the most popularly influential and colorful of Mars observers. Covers Lowell’s astronomical and suppositional observations about the planet.
Lowell, Percival. Mars. Elibron Classics 2001 Later UK reprint edition of the 1895 work. Paperback. THE classic non-fiction work on the planet Mars by the most popularly influential and colorful of Mars observers. Covers Lowell’s astronomical and suppositional observations about the planet.
Lowell, Percival. Mars. Waterbury, CT: Brohan 2002 Later reprint edition of the 1895 work. Paperback. THE classic non-fiction work on the planet Mars by the most popularly influential and colorful of Mars observers. Covers Lowell’s astronomical and suppositional observations about the planet.
Lowell, Percival. Mars and Its Canals. New York: Macmillan 1906 1st edition. 393 p. 2nd of the three major books by Lowell about Mars. There was a second printing in August 1907, and it was still being printed as of 1911.
Lowell, Percival. Mars and Its Canals. Waterbury, CT: Brohan 2003 Reprint edition of the work, a facsimile of the thisd edition of 1911. Paperback. 2nd of the three major books by Lowell about Mars.
Lowell, Percival. Mars as the Abode of Life. New York: Macmillan 1908 1st edition. 288 p. 8 lectures published together, this work puts forth the full unfettered view of Lowell’s populated Mars. 3rd of his mars titles, and arguably the most controversial. A second printing was done in 1909, and a third in 1910.
Lowell, Percival. Mars as the Abode of Life. Waterbury, CT: Brohan 2000 Rrprint edition. 288 p. Paperback. 8 lectures published together, this work puts forth the full unfettered view of Lowell’s populated Mars. 3rd of his mars titles, and arguably the most controversial.
Nelson, the Earl (Albert Francis Joseph Horatio). There IS Life on Mars . London 1955 1st UK edition. A well meaning, yet seriously flawed book looking at the possibility of plant and intelligent life on Mars. perhaps too heavily influenced by Lowell. Lovely dust jacket however.
Nelson, the Earl (Albert Francis Joseph Horatio). There IS Life on Mars . New York: Citadel Press 1956 1st US edition. 152 p. A well meaning, yet seriously flawed book looking at the possibility of plant and intelligent life on Mars. perhaps too heavily influenced by Lowell. Lovely dust jacket however.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Corrispondenza su Marte. Vol. 1 1877-1889. Vol. 2 1890 - 1900. Pisa : Domus Galilaeana 1963, 1978 1st edition. 2 volumes. in Italian. I understand this to be the complete correspondence of Schiaparelli concerniing Mars.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Il Pianeta Marte. Milan : Casa Editrice Dotter Francesco Vallardi 1893 1st edition. 21 p. Illus. A scarce but important pamphlet by this famous astronomer.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Osservazioni Astronomiche e Fisiche sull'asse di Rotazione sulla Topografia del Pianeta Marte fatte nella Reale Specola di Brera in Milano Coll'Equatoriale di Merz (Opposizione del 1886). Rome: Reale Accademia dei Lincei 1897(?) 1st edition. 50 p. Illus. Schiaparelli's notes on Mars from his observations of the Opposition of 1886.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio Osservazioni Astronomiche e Fisiche sulla Topografia e Constituzione del Pianeta Marte fatte nella Specola Reale in Milano Coll'Equatoriale di Merz-Repsold Durante l'Opposizione del 1890. Rome: Reale Accademia dei Lincei 1910 1st edition. 60 p. Illus. Schiaparelli's notes on Mars from his observations of the Opposition of 1890.
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio. translated by William Sheehan. Astronomical and Physical Observations of the Axis of Rotation and the Topography of the Planet Mars. First Memoir, 1877-1878. Asscoiation of Lunar and Planetary Observers 1996 1st English language edition. 59 p. Illus. Monograph number 5.
Sheehan, William. The Planet Mars: A History of Observation & Discovery. Tucson: University of Arizona 1996 1st edition. 270 pgs. A more advanced and academic look at the history of Mars in human civilization and science. Highly recommended for any student of Mars.
Sheehan, William and Stephen James O'Meara. Mars: the Lure of the Red Planet. New York: Prometheus Books
1st edition. 406 p. A more popular apporach than his earlier "Planet Mars", this work covers both the history of Mars and human imagination and more recent developments in science.
Slipher, Earl C. A Photographic History of Mars: 1901 - 1961. Flagstaff: Lowell Observatory with the assistance of the Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, USAF 1962 1st edition. 168 p. Illus. Very nice fold out map of Mars at back. A surprisingly scarce title.


last updated 23 Aug. 2003 jea